Hi Leo,
thanks for writing article about workers, since this is still a very much unknown topic for most frontend devs and needs more attention.
My first thought was: if workers are meant for handling complex computations, what are the most expensive tasks? My answer is: the framework you are using and the apps you build with it. If you move both into an application worker, close to nothing can ever slow down your UI. The concept is called OMT (off the main thread) and can easily get extended using more workers (OffscreenCanvas, connected ServiceWorkers for actively pre-loading assets, data worker, vdom worker). Remote method access to just use promises for x-realm communication is key.
In case we switch dedicated workers into shared workers, we can even do multi-window apps this way.
After 20k commits inside the ecosystem, it got it production ready: https://github.com/neomjs/neo. Might be worth a closer look for you.
Best regards,